Narcotics Anonymous Meetings in Florida


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What is Narcotics Anonymous?

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a nonprofit fellowship or society of people who suffer from drug addiction. It offers support groups and recovery programs for people seeking to overcome substance use disorders. NA meetings are held regularly across cities in Florida.


123 Main St, Jacksonville, FL 32202

Meetings Daily:

  • 7 AM – Topic Discussion
  • 12 PM – Step Meeting
  • 5 PM – Speaker Meeting
  • 8 PM – Candlelight Meeting


456 Park Ave, Orlando, FL 32801

Meetings Daily:

  • 6 AM – Big Book Study
  • 1 PM – Beginner’s Meeting
  • 7 PM – Speaker Meeting


789 Ocean Drive, Miami, FL 33140

Meetings Daily:

  • 8 AM – Step Working Guide Study
  • 4 PM – Literature Study
  • 9 PM – Candlelight

Founded in the early 1950s, Narcotics Anonymous has grown to over 70,000 meetings worldwide. NA is a 12-step program based on the model of Alcoholics Anonymous. It offers a community of support for people seeking recovery through complete abstinence from all drugs. NA meetings provide a safe space for members to share their experiences and struggles to remain drug-free.

The 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a nonprofit fellowship for people seeking recovery from drug addiction. NA outlines a 12-step program to guide members on their recovery journey:

  1. Admit powerlessness over addiction — acknowledging addiction has made one’s life unmanageable.
  2. Believe in a Power greater than oneself — openness to draw strength from a Higher Power.
  3. Make a decision to turn will and life over to God/Higher Power’s care — willingness to let go of control and accept guidance.
  4. Make a searching, fearless moral inventory of self — take an honest look inward at one’s character and behaviors.
  5. Admit to God/Higher Power and another person the exact nature of wrongs — disclose shortcomings without rationalization or defense.
  6. Become ready for these defects of character to be removed — prepare for growth by addressing flaws uncovered in Step 5.
  7. Ask God/Higher Power to remove shortcomings — humility to invite help changing these flaws.
  8. Make a list of persons harmed and become willing to make amends — identify who deserves redress for one’s mistakes.
  9. Make direct amends whenever possible except when doing so would injure self or others — repair harm inflicted on others if constructive.
  10. Continue personal inventory and admit when wrong — maintain constant self-reflection and promptly acknowledge mistakes.
  11. Seek through prayer and meditation to improve conscious contact with God/Higher Power — deepen spiritual connection as a source of guidance.
  12. Carry the NA message to other addicts and practice these principles in all affairs — share experiences to help fellow addicts and live ethically.

The 12 steps aim to motivate members toward positive change across Florida, the United States, and globally. NA groups provide support for members to apply these principles in everyday life.

Getting Started with NA in Florida

Use a meeting search on to find local meetings in your area. Both in-person and online/virtual meetings are available in most places across Florida.

Attending Your First Local NA Meeting

There are two main types of NA meetings in Florida:

Meeting Type Attendance Eligibility Purpose
Open Meetings Open to anyone To introduce the NA program to the general public and provide support for the loved ones of those in recovery.
Closed Meetings For individuals with a desire to stop using drugs To provide a safe and confidential space for NA members to share their experiences, strength, and hope in recovery.

Arrive early to your first meeting and introduce yourself to others as a new local member. Share your experiences if you feel comfortable. You may receive welcome keychain tags marking your sobriety milestones:

  • 30 days
  • 60 days
  • 90 days
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 1 year
  • 18 months
  • Multiple years

The NA community will support you through your recovery journey. Keep attending meetings and connect with your local members. There are online and in-person meetings available across Florida to provide the help and fellowship you need.