World Mental Health Day 2002

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Dear Friends;

In this time of heightened international tensions

and conflict, let us not forget the children. They are the innocent

victims of our worlds challenges and troubles. The theme for World

Mental Health Day 2002 is The Effects of Trauma and Violence on Children

and Adolescents. It is a subject that needs our immediate attention.

All children need stability, safety, and an

environment that nurtures them for the future. Trauma and violence

either within the home or outside can shatter trust, self-esteem, and

hope. Prolonged and repeated traumatic experiences often result in

serious mental health problems. We must find ways to protect our youngest

citizens from harm. World Mental Health Day serves to educate families

and communities around the world to recognize and help those who suffer

from mental illnesses. Early intervention is always a good place to

start. We must demand that resources be allocated for childrens mental

health to improve fragmented services and enable our little ones to

grow up healthy and happy.

World Mental Health Day is a program of unlimited

potential. Every time you share information with others, you are helping

advance the World Federations mission to create positive change.

You have our deepest appreciation for your continued efforts.


Rosalynn Carter

Honorary Chair