Message from the President

WFMH President Ahmed El Azayem

Dear Friends,

Recent research has shown clearly how serious it is to neglect mental health

in the workplace.

Job burnout is costing nations billions of dollars, according to results

presented at the conference and Symposium held at the ILO on 9-10 October.

Two major UN agencies, the ILO and WHO, supported the Symposium. Mental

Health professionals, together with representatives of major industrial

corporations, advocacy groups, researchers and the media acknowledged the

findings. These showed a need for standards for mental health in workplaces

which should be implemented by any company which wants to expand globally.

Meanwhile, in many countries governments are restricting benefits for

treatment of mental illness. In other countries treatment programs have not

even been developed in primary health care or elsewhere. This leads to more

difficulties for those suffering from psychiatric disorders and stress.

We thank ILO Secretary General Juan Somavia, Derek Yach, M.D., WHO Executive

Director, Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health, and Barbara Murray,

ILO Senior Specialist in Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment Sector, for

their input and dedication for mental health. We also thank our WFMH staff

for backing these activities, and World Strategic Partners for organizing an

excellent conference in Geneva. We appreciate the support of Pfizer for

WFMH activities related to the events in Geneva.

Ahmed El Azayem's Signature

Dr. Ahmed Abou El-Azayem

President, WFMH

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